
 Intercession outline by Derek Prince 1975

I. Introduction 

A. 1 Tim. 2:1—In our assembling as Christians, prayer is primary. One main form of prayer is intercession

B. To “intercede” means to come in between. 

C. The intercessor is one who stands between God and those who justly deserve God’s wrath and judgment. 

II. The Pattern Of Jesus 

A. Is. 53:12—At the cross Jesus did 4 things: 

1. He poured out His soul (in His blood) 

2. He was numbered with transgressors (thieves) 

3. He bore our sins 

4. He made intercession for His crucifiers—“Father, forgive them. . . .” The judgment due them came upon Him. 

B. Heb. 7:25—Time scale of Christ’s life: 

1. 1–30: years of perfect family life 

2. 3 1/2 years of dramatic public ministry 

3. 2,000 years of intercession 

III. The Ultimate Failure 

Is. 59:12–16—The climax of this list of the failures of God’s people is that “there is no intercessor.” They had failed in their greatest responsibility toward God and man. 

IV. Patterns Of Intercession 

A. Gen. 18:17, 20–33—Abraham stood before the Lord, pleading for Sodom on the basis that God will never bring upon the righteous the judgment due the wicked. The Lord accepted this principle (compare Amos 3:3). 

B. Ex. 32:7–14, 30–32—Moses stood between God and Israel even asking that the judgment due Israel might come upon him instead. 

C. Ps. 106:23—Moses, God’s chosen, stood before him in the breach, to turn away his wrath. 

D. Num. 16:41–48—Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before the Lord on behalf of the very people who had criticized 

them. Then, Aaron, with the censer in his hand, stood between the dead and the living. 

E. Ezek. 22:23–31—One man, willing to stand in the gap, could have saved a whole nation from judgment—but not even one was to be found! 

V. Four Qualifications For An Intercessor 

1. He must have an absolute conviction that God is righteous and will judge the wicked (like Abraham). 

2. His primary concern must be for God’s glory (like Moses). 

3. He must know God intimately and be able to stand in His presence, yet with reverence (like Abraham and Moses). 

4. He must have holy boldness and be willing to risk his own life (like Aaron). 

Listen to Derek Prince teaching on intercession (above outline)

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